Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The strange truths, tall tales & pop culture of a foggy island.
The Kid and The Squid
The harrowing tale of a 12 year-old boy from Portugal Cove, Newfoundland and his encounter with a giant squid.
Mary Travers Sells The Speaker’s Chair
It’s often said Newfoundland’s first legislature was held in a tavern. What’s less-well-known is that they failed to pay their tab and that the owner, Mary Travers, collected her due in a way the government wouldn’t soon forget.
That Time Cabot Tower Exploded
1918 went out with a bang in St. John’s — Cabot Tower exploded.
Belleoram, Bonne Bay & Tattoos
After mapping and naming the Newfoundland coast, Capt. Cook brought the word tattoo to the English speaking world.
Sinking of the SS Caribou
The Newfoundland-Nova Scotia ferry was torpedoed and sank in 1942 killing 137.
Ghost Ship Resolven
The tale of Newfoundland's ghost ship Resolven. In 1884 the brig was found sailing without a living soul aboard. It remains a NFLD & maritime mystery.
Sea Monster Attack!
In 1888 the crew of ship Augusta encountered a sea monster off Newfoundland.
Newfoundland Tsunami of 1929
The devastating Newfoundland tsunami of 1929 was the result of a series of natural disasters. Read how it unfolded.