Real by Thandi Marie

If you’re searching for a song that resonates with both heart and groove, look no further than ‘Real’ by Thandi Marie. This 2-minute gem offers a laidback soulful vibe that’s impossible to resist. Her silky vocals and heartfelt delivery make this track shine, and it’s just the beginning. With lyrics exploring the search for authenticity—real love, real people—it speaks to the universal longing for connection in a world of false façades.

‘Real’ has universal appeal, blending R&B’s smoothness with introspective depth. The track is perfectly complemented by its equally compelling B-side, ‘Not Your Type,’ showcasing Thandi’s undeniable talent and versatility. I look forward to hearing where she takes us next.

Whether you’re an R&B fan or simply a lover of good music, Thandi Marie is an artist worth following. Start with ‘Real’, and you’ll quickly understand why this Malawian-born artist is making waves wherever her voice reaches.

Check out ‘Real’ on your favourite streaming platform.


I’m obsessed with music from Newfoundland and Labrador…

It’s fresh, wild, and full of surprises. The artists here are pumping out so much new stuff, it’s hard to keep up. So, I started a playlist of my faves—tons of genres, but the only rule is they’re local and totally repeat-worthy. I update it regularly, so follow along (on Spotify, Apple Music or Youtube).

Trust me, there’s a ton of good stuff coming your way.

Robert Hiscock

Robert grew up in a tiny Newfoundland community called Happy Adventure. These days he lives in Gander, NL and his happiest adventures are spent with his two Labrador retrievers exploring the island while listening to a soundtrack of local music.

When the dogs are napping Robert takes photos, writes about Newfoundland, and makes a podcast.

I’m Not Scared by Carolina East


Kathy Stock: Home ep