Simani: Any Mummers Allowed In?

Hark! What’s that noise out by the porch door? Granny, ‘tis Simani.

Is it even Christmas in Newfoundland until someone plays 'The Mummer Song'?

Simani Any Mummers Allowed In 45RPM Record

Old School Christmas: Simani Any Mummers Allowed In 45RPM record.

Simani's Any Mummer's Allowed In? is so well-known at this point that it is just a part of the cultural landscape. It’s hard to believe the song wasn't released until 1983 (on a 45rpm). I recently ‘liberated’ a copy from my parents’ house. They lived on the south coast of the island at the time, where they got the record.

I would go so far as to say, what most Newfoundlanders know of mummering has been shaped by this song. Its lyrics set out what a mummer is supposed to look like (big 42 bras, humps on back and mitts on feet, etc), act like and even how the visit is supposed to go (let's see if we know who ya be/home brew or alchy/no need for to care how you buckles the floor).

Its success was probably helped by the Land and Sea episode Fortune Bay Christmas... which may have given us the best Newfoundland kitchen party music video ever.

Check out Any Mummer’s Allowed In above or hear it, and a bunch of other cool Christmas songs from Newfoundland artists on the 2020 Newfoundland Christmas Playlist.

Robert Hiscock

Robert grew up in a tiny Newfoundland community called Happy Adventure. These days he lives in Gander, NL and his happiest adventures are spent with his two Labrador retrievers exploring the island while listening to a soundtrack of local music.

When the dogs are napping Robert takes photos, writes about Newfoundland, and makes a podcast.

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