Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The strange truths, tall tales & pop culture of a foggy island.
Crime of the Ancient Mariner
A stolen fish, a cruel punishment, and a lesson in power—one sailor’s tale will change the way a young man sees the world forever.
The Friendly Corpse
When Archdeacon Forristal met a ‘corpse’ who sat up mid-procession to greet him, he discovered that in Newfoundland, even death bows to practicality — and capelin.
Minnie Keefe’s Miracle
In 1902, two-year-old Minnie Keefe disappeared near her home in Colinet, NL. Eight days later, she was discovered alive, leading to stories of miracles, mysteries, and survival.
Swallowed By The Deep?
Just off Harbour Buffet, Placentia Bay a fisherman vanished, his shattered boat was the only clue. It looked like something, some ocean creature, was responsible.
Brennan’s Big Hoax?
In 1891, James Brennan spun a tale of a shipwreck so tragic it shook the Atlantic—until the “wreck” turned out to be pure fiction.
Elfreda Pike’s Last Walk Home
On a moonlit January night in 1870, 16-year-old Elfreda Pike began a walk home from Harbour Grace—unaware it would be her last.