5 Big Facts about Newfoundland’s Giant Squid
Giant squid in Holyrood, Newfoundland (1935). Public Domain
The giant squid (aka Architeuthis dux) has always occupied a special corner of my mind. I love knowing that there is an animal — an enormous animal — that is so elusive that it managed to occupy the realm of myth until a century and a half ago. Over at Newfoundland Factory I’ve been tweeting some giant squid related trivia. In doing so I noticed that many of the island’s famous squid encounters/strandings happened in October/November so now seems like a good time for a deeper dive to meet the giant squid of Newfoundland.
One: The Myth Ended Here
A giant squid in Harvey’s bathtub. Public Domain
The giant squid made the leap from myth to verifiable animal in Newfoundland.
In 1873 fisherman in a small boat on Conception Bay encountered a giant squid. The squid reportedly attacked them. In attempting to free themselves, one of the squid’s tentacles was severed. The tentacle was delivered to Rev. Moses Harvey, who was known to have a keen interest in the natural world.
A month later Harvey was beneficiary of an intact squid carcass from Logy Bay. These specimens allowed him to present definitive scientific proof to the world — including photographs.
Two: The Biggest of the Big
A non-giant squid on the shore.
Newfoundland is not only home to the first verifiable giant squid. It’s home to the largest. A giant squid was discovered by fisherman in Thimble Tickle. On November 2, 1878 the men happened upon a living 16.7 metre (55ft) specimen that had stranded in shallow water. The animal was described as ‘churning the water into foam’. It was subsequently recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest squid in the world. Today the squid is memorialized by a life-size replica at Glover’s Harbour (see below).
Three: Giants Everywhere
More than 60 giant squid specimens have been found in Newfoundland waters. That equates to about a fifth of the planet’s specimens.
Four: The Golden Age of Squid
Giant Squid near Dildo, NL (1933). Maunder/Public Domain.
You may have noticed that the three giant squid encounters that I’ve related happened in the 1870s. It was sort of Newfoundland’s ‘golden age of giant squid’. Reportedly, between 1871 and 1881 dozens of giant squid washed ashore or were seen floating along the island’s coast. It has been suggested by some researchers that there is a predictable cyclical pattern to the strandings. Memorial University’s biologist, and giant squid researcher, Frederick Aldrich proposed a 90 year interval. This was supported by another small surge of squid strandings in the 1960s. Lets see what happens in the 2050s!
When 16 year-old A.R. Scammell sat down in Change Islands and penned Squid Jigging Ground he may not have been thinking of giant squid but he did create a monster of a song. It is one of the most recognizable tunes in the Newfoundland folk canon. It has been inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of fame and was even played on the bells of the Peace Tower in Ottawa to recognize the Newfoundland’s union with Canada in 1949.
Scammell’s 1943 release of the track is recognized as the first commercial recording of a Newfoundland folk song. (Listen Here)
Squid Jigging Ground
Oh, this is the place where the fishermen gather,
With oilskins and boots and Cape Anns battened down;
All sizes of figures with squid lines and jiggers,
They congregate here on the squid-jigging ground.
Some are workin' their jiggers while others are yarnin',
There's some standin' up and there's more lyin' down;
While all kinds of fun, jokes and tricks are begun
As they wait for the squid on the squid-jiggin' ground.
There's men of all ages and boys in the bargain;
There's old Billy Cave and there's young Raymond Brown,
There's a red rantin' Tory out here in a dory,
A-runnin' down Squires on the squid-jiggin' ground.
There's men from the Harbour and men from the Tickle,
In all kinds of motorboats, green, grey and brown;
Right yonder is Bobby and with him is Nobby,
He's chawin' hard tack on the squid-jiggin' ground.
God bless my sou'wester, there's Skipper John Chaffey,
He's the best hand at squid-jiggin' here, I'll be bound.
Hello! What's the row? Why he's jiggin' one now,
The very first squid on the squid-jiggin' ground.
The man with the whiskers is old Jacob Steele;
He's gettin well up but he's still pretty sound.
While Uncle Bob Hawkins wears six pair o' stockin's
Whenever he's out on the squid-jiggin' ground.
Holy smoke! What a scuffle! All hands are excited.
'Tis a wonder to me that there's nobody drowned.
There's confusion, a bustle, a wonderful hustle,
They're all jiggin' squids on the squid-jiggin' ground.
Says Bobby, "The squids are on top of the water,
I just got me jigger 'bout one fathom down" ---
When a squid in the boat squirted right down his throat,
And he's swearin' like mad on the squid-jiggin' ground.
There's poor Uncle Billy, his whiskers are spattered
With spots of the squid juice that's flying around;
One poor little b'y got it right in the eye,
But they don't give a damn on the squid-jiggin' ground.
Now if ever you feel inclined to go squiddin',
Leave your white shirts and collars behind in the town.
And if you get cranky without your silk hanky
You'd better steer clear of the squid-jiggin' ground.
Five: Here Be Giants. Still.
While giant squid sightings don’t happen everyday, they have continued to occur since the 1960s. A 29ft giant squid, was found by a fisherman in Hare Bay, Nov 10, 1981. That squid is now on display at The Rooms in St. John’s. Another was found in Triton in 2004. So even if there is a cyclical 90-year pattern you never know when you might encounter a rogue squid -- keep your eyes peeled!
The harrowing tale of a 12 year-old boy from Portugal Cove, Newfoundland and his encounter with a giant squid.