Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The strange truths, tall tales & pop culture of a foggy island.
Salads, Saints and 7 Other Iceberg Oddities
Strange stories and odd iceberg trivia from the edge of Iceberg Alley — Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
Digging Into The Brigus Tunnel
Tall tales of rum runners and pirates have obscured the truth behind this Brigus landmark. The real story illustrates the tremendous changes Newfoundland’s rural communities have faced.
Terra Nova Trivia: 11 Facts about Terra Nova National Park
Eleven facts about Terra Nova National Park.
When Black Bart Burned Trepassey
Just over 300 years ago dreaded pirate Bartholomew Roberts set his sights on Newfoundland and began a 2-week reign of terror. Maybe.
Like A Virgin: NL’s Madonna Iceberg
In 1905 something shiny and new — in the form of an unusual iceberg — appeared outside of St. John’s harbour and some people were convinced it was a miracle.
Lights! Camera! Disaster! The Viking Tragedy
91 years ago Hollywood came to Newfoundland and it ended in tragedy — some 27 people died in what would become known as The Viking disaster.
That Time Cabot Tower Exploded
1918 went out with a bang in St. John’s — Cabot Tower exploded.
Why Was Ferry Command A Big Deal?
It was a bold idea that helped win the war and changed aviation forever.
Belleoram, Bonne Bay & Tattoos
After mapping and naming the Newfoundland coast, Capt. Cook brought the word tattoo to the English speaking world.
Ghost Ship Resolven
The tale of Newfoundland's ghost ship Resolven. In 1884 the brig was found sailing without a living soul aboard. It remains a NFLD & maritime mystery.
Victoria Day:The 24th of May (and Every Day)
Queen Victoria never visited Newfoundland but her name and actions left an imprint on the island.