Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The strange truths, tall tales & pop culture of a foggy island.
Sea Serpents and Lake Monsters of Newfoundland
There are mysteries in the deep but from time to time the come to the surface — here are 10 times Newfoundland sea serpents and lake monsters made the news.
Outer Space to Outer Cove: Newfoundland UFOs
The truth is out there… maybe in Gander, Harbour Mille or Random Island, NL
The 5 Best Places to See a Ghost
Haunted, historic and open to the public — five of the most convenient places to encounter a ghost in Newfoundland.
Terra Nova Trivia: 11 Facts about Terra Nova National Park
Eleven facts about Terra Nova National Park.
The 7 Surprising Wonders of Newfoundland
Not what I expected! 15 years ago I asked Newfoundlanders to select the island’s most amazing places. Their choices surprised me!
Get The Facts: Newfoundland and Labrador’s National War Memorial
The National War Memorial in St. John’s, Newfoundland is an impressive monument. Check out these facts, in which we touch on phrenology, leading-lights and lick-ability.