Product of Newfoundland
This is a blog about Newfoundland: The strange truths, tall tales & pop culture of a foggy island.
Titanic, Majestic and Antelope
Before the Titanic, another White Star ocean liner saw tragedy off Newfoundland. Majestic struck and sank the fishing schooner Antelope.
The Great Newfoundland Fog Factory
Newfoundland is one of the foggiest places on the planet -- here's why. Plus, make fog in a jar!
The Wolves of Newfoundland
The story of wolves and coyotes on the island of Newfoundland, from the Newfoundland wolf to the arrival of coyotes and coy-wolf.
Santa Claus Loves Newfoundland & Labrador
Santa Claus loves kids the whole world over. No doubt. But Newfoundland and Labrador has a special place in his heart - here’s why.
We Call Them Bakeapples
This golden fruit might just be THE berry of Newfoundland... even if it is an acquired taste.
5 Big Facts about Newfoundland’s Giant Squid
Take a deeper dive into the surprising story of giant squid in Newfoundland
5 Facts About The Newfoundland Time Zone
Five facts about the Newfoundland half-hour time zone.
Our Pal, Gander the Newfoundland Dog
Gander, the Newfoundland Dog, is a war hero. Here’s his story.